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God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland)
Wed - 8 Jan - 3:03 am
A brief history of God`s Squad CMC
A list of the God`s Squad CMC Chapters
Please read and/or sign our Guestbook
A small gallery of God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland) photos
Get in contact with God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland) or any of the other chapters
Links to other God`s Squad Chapters and other links of interest
What`s coming up?
What`s this God stuff all about?
Frequently asked questions


FAQ # 7 - Isn't it hypocritical for a Christian club to wear colours?

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We can only speak for this club and we don't think we are being hypocritical. We are 100% committed to our faith and calling - and therefore our patch. Our Christian lifestyle is different to some aspects of 1% clubs, however there is common ground. We too do not like the way our world is, we too live by a different code, we too would die for our faith. But, ultimately our committment to our club and patch, is symbolic of our committment to our God. Our faith is a matter of grace and free to all, but club colours are earned.

The logo and club colours of God's Squad CMC are copyright and registered as a trade mark. Reproduction without the prior consent from God's Squad CMC
is strictly forbidden. This website is a compilation of information which is protected by copyright. Unauthorised redistribution or diffusion of this is prohibited.
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