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God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland)
Sat - 29 Mar - 5:37 am
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God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland) 2012 Guestbook

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May blessings abound for all my Irish brothers, their families, friends and supporters this Christmas and throughout 2013. L&R...
Andrew Jones - God's Squad
Launceston Australia 24 Dec 2012 6:25 am

I want to sincerely wish all our friends and supporters, those that we have shared the road with, those we have yet to share the road with. A very peaceful and happy time on the Celebration of the birth of our Saviour Jesus of Nazareth. From all Members, Prospects, and Associates.
GSCMC Pilgrim Chapter
john Corocran - God's Squad CMC
Ireland 11 Dec 2012 11:32 pm

Brothers! Our big congrats to you all from our Chapter! Looking forward to see you here in the Ukraine!!!
20 Oct 2012 8:51 pm

Just wanted to say a big thankyou for all your generous hospitality over the weekend , it's an honour to serve with you . may god bless you all on the the road ahead .
steve the box
2 Oct 2012 4:59 pm

Just wanted to say a BIG Thank you to you all for making all of the brothers from around Europe and Scandinavia so welcome. It was a cracking time. Thanks for all your hard work.

Congratulations to Paul on coming back to us, good seeing you bro.

Love & Respect
European Vice-President
Howie - God's Squad CMC North Chapter
http://www.godssquad.org.uk Manchester, UK 2 Oct 2012 3:43 pm

Congratulations brothers. May the journey ahead be exciting, challanging and fruitful.
I look forward to seeing some of you at our 40th.
I tried to work it soRuth and I could be there, but we depart on Saturday for the journey back home.

Melbourne Chapter
Bubba - GSCMC
Australia 26 Sep 2012 10:34 pm

I want to take this oppertunity on behalf of myself, Ger, Jon the Bap, Gareth and Jimgo to say a BIG thank you to all the messages of support and love on us recently making full patch. Please pray for us as we continue our Journey.
GSCMC Pilgrim Chapter
John Corcoran - God's Squad CMC
Ireland 23 Jul 2012 11:32 pm

Congratulations to Corky, Ger, Gareth, John the Bap and Jim on making full patch! Earned and deserved.
http://finland.gscmc.com 23 Jul 2012 2:44 pm

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