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God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland)
Sat - 29 Mar - 4:36 am
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God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland) 2013 Guestbook

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Many thanks for your hospitality at the weekend. A remarkable few days, with some insightful teaching and sound advice given. I look forward to a repeat exercise soon. L&R Ado GSCMCUK South Sec.
Ado - GSCMCUK South Secretary
Worthing West Sussex (not London) England 23 Sep 2013 8:19 pm

A big welcome to our International President John Smith who is visiting us here in Ireland all of this week. John will be conducting some speaking events during his visit. We are blessed to have him with us.
john Corocran - God's Squad CMC
Ireland 17 Sep 2013 7:20 pm

Seen one of your guys . In waterford on a Harley springer. Lovely bike. First time Iv seen yer patch. Ride free and ride safe brothers
Banto Burchell - Burning pistons
Waterford 8 Aug 2013 7:05 pm

Hi to friends that we have encountered on the road over the past couple of weeks, looking forward to meeting up soon. Ride safe.
God's Squad CMC
Pilgrim Ireland.
john Corocran - God's Squad CMC
Ireland 20 Jul 2013 7:49 am

Wishing a happy Easter to all our friends, all those who share the road with us in life, as we remember the cost paid for the Freedom that we enjoy. From all Members, Prospects and Associates of GSCMC Pilgrim Chapter Ireland.
GSCMC Pilgrim Chapter
john Corocran - God's Squad CMC
Ireland 28 Mar 2013 4:53 pm

St Patricks Day greetings to all the Irish brethren. And their families!
Ado - GSCMCUK South
Worthing England 17 Mar 2013 8:28 pm

greetings from the Netherlands God Bless hope to meet soon and have a talk cheers Andries
Nethelands 2 Mar 2013 1:36 pm

On Behalf of our member in the North, Gareth and his dear wife Maggie and all Members, Prospects and Associates of God's Squad Pilgrim Chapter. Can I take this oppertunity to say a BIG thank you to all our brothers within our God's Squad family and our friends for your support on the death of Maggies dad James.
GSCMC Pilgrim Chapter
john Corocran - God's Squad CMC
Ireland 12 Feb 2013 12:55 am

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