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God`s Squad CMC Pilgrim (Ireland)
Sat - 21 Dec - 1:55 pm
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The Irish Journey...

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Although 2009 sees the official recognition of our Pilgrim Chapter in Ireland, 2009 has not been the beginning of God’s Squad’s activity here. The first UK chapter members were accepted into membership of the club in 1995 having spent several years in discussion with the Australian Club and serving the necessary period of time as prospective members. As far back as 1995, members from the UK chapter have shared dialogue, hospitality and friendship with numerous clubs in Ireland, which has continued over the subsequent years. This long history, along with having members located in Ireland, prompted the move to establish a separate Chapter and therefore enabling us to function more effectively within Ireland.

The ‘Pilgrim’ status was initially granted to members somewhat geographically displaced from a chapter - in some clubs a more familiar term may be ‘Nomad’.

Within God’s Squad, we use the term Pilgrim in part as continuation of the name of the Melbourne based, Australian club, Pilgrims CMC, who joined God’s Squad in the early 90’s.

For the forseeable future our members in Ireland will continue to wear a bottom rocker, stating ‘Pilgrim’ and a front flash stating ‘Ireland’.

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